Attack The Culture

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50 Cent really is the rap game's biggest bully - and hero

New York rapper 50 Cent really deserves ample respect placed on his name. While he’s known for being the big bully folks have come to low-key love, what he’s done for the culture as a whole - like getting actor Geoffrey Owens back on the Hollywood scene - is what’s really overlooked.

50 Cent acknowledges bringing Geoffrey Owens back into the spotlight

Fifty went to his Instagram page to share a snapshot of someone acknowledging how he helped Owens go from working in a supermarket to appearing in his hit ‘Power’ STARZ franchise.

“👏👏👏Yeah The under dog back on Top @iamgeoffreyowens GHOST GLG🚦GreenLightGang @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi

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