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50 Cent's convinced Mayor Eric Adams is locking gang-gang up

New York rapper 50 Cent is happy he’s no longer in the streets working the illegal activity routes. Instead, the STARZ executive is low-key applauding Big Apple’s Mayor Eric Adams for gearing up to take down the city’s gangs in an effort to make things safer.

50 Cent’s ready for the Eric Adams takeover

Fifty hit up his Instagram page to share footage of Mayor Adams talking about his preparation to clean up the city. Most notably? Adams plans on taking out the gangs which Fifty believes is code for throwing them all behind bars.

“Happy New Year, This guy gonna put everybody in jail watch. 😆 you gotta look in his eyes bro you can see it. Gang Gang going to jail. Lol @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi

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Eric Adams plans to take down the New York gangs

During his ABC ‘This Week’ chat, Adams explained the importance of cleaning up the city. He even referenced plans to have plain clothes officers in action to take out gun violence.

“We have a good plan, we have a good police commissioner. She’s in now doing a real analysis to have the right balance because the balance is not heavy-handed policing. It’s public safety and justice. What we’re going to do longterm and what we’re going to do right now. We’re going to go after gangs. We’re going to take down some of the largest gangs in our city. Whenever you see a shooting take place, look at the next line, gang-related. We’re going to zero in on gangs and reinstitute a plains clothes police unit. We want to focus on those who are carrying guns and violent crimes in our city and turn around this city. It’s going to be a safe place.”

50 Cent’s lie detector test is priceless

Outside of government talk, 50 recently was put to the test. Literally. He took part in a Vanity Fair lie detector program dishing on Texas, meeting Meryl Streep and the content he regularly posts onto Instagram.