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Tommy Chong: The 'Cheech & Chong' legend promises gaming goals can positively impact your life

Could you use one for the record books? Holy smokes. The legend himself - Tommy Chong - of Cheech & Chong fame of course - taking the time to chop it up with Attack The Culture about all things Call of Duty tracer pack drops, how gaming is life and how those digital goals can actually positively spark up progression in your own personal grind? Oh yes. It’s an exclusive you have to embrace from start to finish.

Cheech & Chong’s Tommy Chong keeps it 100 on how gaming goals are life-changing in a good way

Getting the chance to talk to Tommy and get into his state of mind at the ripe age of his mid-80’s? Beyond amazing and his wisdom is as sharp as ever - so it only made it right to get his take on the growing popularity of video games and why opps trying to trash gaming goals should re-think their stance.

‘It improves your reflexes when you’re playing. The hand and body and eye coordination. You’re constantly doing that. I’ve got people in my family, my little granddaughter, she’s more adapt at the iPad than I am and she’s 3 years old and she’ll take my iPad, flip it up and get her favorite shows and everything else.

It’s done so much to help everyone, especially children, get that eye and hand coordination going. Being able to use their hands and minds for the reflexes, I’ve got friends that are proud they are computer illiterate. They’re actually proud. I’m not proud of it. I actually am computer illiterate because of my eyes and ears and my age, a great part, but I understand and I appreciate what’s going on in the world.’

Tommy took things a step further, too, dishing on the positive impact he’s witnessed just from his three - now four-year-old - granddaughter embracing gaming goals from an iPad.

‘I study my grandkids because I have the time. I’m a grandpa. I don’t have to change the diapers or anything. I can sit there and study them and I watch them and I watch my little granddaughter have her tantrums and go through all those things but to see how the iPad and the games for the children, how that calms them down.

What you’ve done, with these video games, you’ve excited the senses. You’ve got the hand and eye coordination going and you are promoting self-awareness to the littlest ones.

My little 3-year-old, well, she’s 4 now, she’s going to be a powerhouse in this world. She’ll always have knowledge because she knows where to go to get knowledge. This new generation is going to be - look what they got, man. In their hands with the cellphones, there’s a religious song, ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands.’ They’re talking about God - well, literally, we’ve got the whole universe in our hands.

We can sit there. We can see a star, go into our phone and point it at it and it’ll tell you which star you’re looking at. I mean, come on. ‘

Needless to say? Chong kept it 100 and didn’t end there. From talking about why linking up with Call of Duty made sense to how the pyramids were built, it’s nearly 30 minutes of awesomeness. Buckle up.