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Jonny Fastlane report: NBA YoungBoy catches a W in federal court case

If you want to get into contact with me the best way to do it is on Instagram. If you just want to say what up, if you want to tell me you love my videos - you can tell me that you hate my videos but the best way to do that is on Instagram. Peace y’all, Jonny Fastlane here. So, a judge agrees to dismiss video and photo evidence of NBA YoungBoy brandishing guns in his court case. Let’s talk hip-hop.

So this is a huge win for NBA YoungBoy. A judge actually agree to actually not even take into consideration some evidence in NBA YoungBoy’s federal gun case. Bottom line is this, back in 2020 NBA YoungBoy was outside and he was filming a music video in a parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

It was him and like 15 other people. They were waving guns around allegedly allegedly when someone random just drove past them and they were like, ‘What’s going on in that parking lot?’ and called the cops, believe it or not.

When the cops showed up, there were like 15 niggas in the parking lot because they were shooting a music video and so the cops arrested everybody there including the cameraman. Okay fine, when the cops get everyone into the precinct, they find 14 guns and they find a bunch of weed and stuff like that, some pills for personal consumption and they also find a Sony digital camera that the cameraman had.

Here’s the thing though, those cops searched the camera and they found photos and videos of NBA YoungBoy brandishing guns and stuff like that. Here’s the thing, NBA YoungBoy’s not supposed to be in possession of any guns because he’s a felon but NBA YoungBoy’s lawyers told the judge, ‘Okay fine, y’all searched the people, y’all found the guns and stuff like that but what gave y’all permission to search the camera?’

And then he said, ‘Listen, do you guys search people’s cell phones and arrest them? No, because you don’t have a warrant to do that and to search a digital camera, you don’t have a warrant to do that and sorry if you found some photos of NBA YoungBoy in there with guns but you weren’t supposed to be in there anyway. So we need to suppress this evidence.’

The judge was like, ‘You know what? You’re right. You’re right. Let’s suppress it.’

That’s a huge win for NBA YoungBoy. Now we know NBA YoungBoy is still awaiting trial and he’s on house arrest for this whole situation and I guess it’s looking good. I don’t think they would have gave him bail or anything like that if they were really planning on locking him up and throwing away the key.

Now they’re actually suppressing evidence that could actually be damaging to him so this is looking really good for NBA YoungBoy.