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My Favorite Color: The 'Nissan' music video is a low-key homage to hoopties and love

I could have used this motivation back in ‘02 and ‘03 but that’s a story for another day. My Favorite Color comes through with another super chill and fire cinematic gem from his recently released car pack project.

It’s all types of fun and deserves your attention from start to finish. Tap in.

My Favorite Color processes his feelings about love, life, and the rap game through his abstract and stylish bars. Slowing things down as he searches for a real love, My Favorite Color shares "Nissan," the second video from his recently released "car pack" single. Ambling along like a beat-up sedan, "Nissan" swells with a gauzy,  synth-filled atmosphere. The young rapper provides tuneful hooks and laidback flows that fit the song's laid back atmosphere, describing a deep and loving relationship built on on mutual support and the hope for a better future: "When I'm not with you I'm missing the show/Where's the remote?/When I'm not with you I don't even know/Which way do I go?" he spits. The song provides the flipside of "car pack" single "Pink Lac," a materialistic and effortlessly fly fantasy.

Directed by Globe, the video for "Nissan" picks up where the video for "Pink Lac" left off. After My Favorite Color reveals that he could only afford the titular car due to the label budget, most of his hanger-ons depart...except for one woman. A blissful counterpart to the brightly colored "Pink Lac," "Nissan" is all washed hues and hazy vibes, the color palette basking in the glow of MFC's new love. The two lovers tour the city in a beat-up gray Nissan, heading to drive-in movies and more, but the car isn't as important as the company they keep.

"I’d say 'Pink Lac' is the dream and 'Nissan' is when I finally wake up," explains My Favorite Color. "I see both songs as the perfect contrast between what you hope this rap sh*t is and what it ACTUALLY is before you get to what you were hoping for. In the life of a rapper, things like love become complicated, to say the least. On 'Pink Lac,' I was thinking I needed the glamour and glitz to find love, but it turns out losing those things is exactly what helped love find me. I don’t want anyone loving me for my Pink Lac , if they weren’t loving me for my Nissan. 'Pink Lac' is a metaphor for lust while 'Nissan' is a metaphor for love. Choose your car wisely cause it’s a long road, regardless."

Hailing from Pittsburgh and based in L.A., My Favorite Color is constantly evolving. The rapper is known for his inventive music videos, including the recent animated video for
"Man Man" ft. Valee, the '90s sitcom-themed "Mama's House," the mannequin-filled "Cut Me In," and 2021's "Old News." The creativity on display in "Old News," in which the artist portrayed multiple characters a la Eddie Murphy, ranging from a kidnap victim, to a possibly untrained pilot, to a truth-telling stand-up comedian, inspired Pigeons & Planes to name him a Best New Artist in September 2021. The naturally funny rapper recently trended on TikTok with a rant in support of one of his favorite artists, Mac Miller and recently took to the clock app once more to document his trip to Universal Studios Hollywood in celebration of the release of "car pack."

My Favorite Color is currently hard at work on his next project, an effort that keeps up the experimental spirit even as it properly continues the story he started with his heartfelt 2020 debut album Velma. Stay tuned for much more.