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Bad Actor: I'm here for more NEON craziness and this digital must-see

Bad Actor: I'm here for more NEON craziness and this digital must-see

Love watching NEON flicks? How about seeing the real-life story of actor Zachary Horwitz and his now-infamous Ponzi scheme which ultimately landed him behind bars for 20-plus years? Bad Actor demands your attention.

It’s all in the digital streaming goals. Peep the trailer and get ready to lose your mind.

It's Florida, Man: I'm here for all the laughs from this new HBO Original series

It's Florida, Man: I'm here for all the laughs from this new HBO Original series

Gladiator II: The popcorn and drink merch is getting way too wild

Gladiator II: The popcorn and drink merch is getting way too wild