Scott Mann's Fall is a Date Night movie with a few sky-high risks
For the record, I am personally super excited for the world to get to witness filmmaker Scott Mann’s Fall movie. A few months ago I posted up the its trailer and pretty much made a public plea to get an advance copy to review - forget just the screener, having the pleasure to talk to Scott about his new flick made dreams really turn into reality. So I am proud to say Date Night-approved for Fall but there are a few key items to remember if you’re going to take bae out to see this thrill ride on the big screen.
The new Fall trailer is even more exciting than the sneak peek
A few weeks ago, Lionsgate hit the green light on teasing its upcoming Fall movie and it looked mind-blowing. Now with the release date less than a month away, it’s only right we get a few more details on what the flick’s about and my goodness - Date Night goals much?