Megalopolis: Spike Lee and Robert De Niro are linking with Francis Ford Coppola to dish on the massive new flick
Forget purchasing more advertising and posters - how about getting a couple of Hollywood icons like Spike Lee and Robert De Niro together to rub elbows alongside filmmaking legend Francis Ford Coppola to talk about the upcoming Megalopolis? Insane.
MEGALOPOLIS: The highly-anticipated Francis Ford Coppola movie trailer is all types of cinematic glowing
Keeping it 100? I have no idea what to make out of the upcoming Megalopolis movie. It’s from the iconic Francis Ford Coppola and the newest trailer takes pride in past classics being criticized and slammed despite being ahead of its time. Could this new flick be the same?
Megalopolis: The action-packed and mind-blowing 'Megalopolis' trailer has me confused and intrigued
All hail the legendary Francis Ford Coppola no matter what he’s creating. So seeing the trailer for the upcoming Megalopolis film and being both confused and intrigued? I’m here for it.