Ilani Fontaine Marriott-Lodge: The international actress is Woman Crush Wednesday glowing on Hump Day

The ‘Top Boy’ series might be done-done but there’s no slowing down what actress Ilani Fontaine Marriott-Lodge is serving up these days. From the dance moves to her solo snapshots, it’s all eyes on Illy.

The selfies always hit especially when she’s donning Savage x Fenty. Happy Woman Crush Wednesday!

‘Which one?


#savagegang #savagexfenty

Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Vanilla Skyin’ 24/7 - with some form of Action Bronson and Curren$y playing on a daily - if not hourly - basis. AMC A-List fanatic and gaming goals daily from a stationary workout bike, of course. All contact:

Call of Duty: Of course Cheech & Chong heading to Warzone is a massive Thursday flex


Buddy: The Man Crush Mondays are back-back with the self-appreciation glow-up