Grand Theft Auto Online: Drag races, auto shop robbery contracts and rhino hunt fun this week in GTA Online
Want even more reasons to clock in steady Grand Theft Auto Online work? Look no further than what’s cooking up in Rockstar Games’ criminal digital wonderland. From drag races and double rewards to auto shop robbery contracts and rhino searches, it’s all in a week’s work.
As always, peep the details and start geeking out you gaming Attackers.
Drag Races are now available in GTA Online, challenging drivers to perfectly time their gear shifting, nitrous boosts and traffic dodging to cross the finish line in first place.
In addition, Auto Shop owners will earn double GTA$ and RP for completing this week’s Robbery Contracts – and with Auto Shop properties at 30% off, it’s a great week for players to start this side gig.

Full details from this week’s update include:
New Drag Races, awarding Double GTA$ and RP through January 31
Double GTA$ and RP on Auto Shop Robbery Contracts and Rhino Hunt
Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom Vehicles: The Pegassi Torero (Sports Classic, 30% off), Canis Kalahari (Off-Road), Karin Futo (Sports), Dinka Jester (Racecar) (Sports), and Imponte Ruiner (Muscle)
Luxury Autos Showroom Vehicles: The Vapid Aleutian (SUV) and Declasse Impaler LX (Muscle)
Salvage Yard Robbery Targets: The Bravado Buffalo EVX (Muscle), Lampadati Viseris (Sports Classic), and Pegassi Toros (SUV)
Prize Ride: Place Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series for four days in a row to earn the Übermacht Zion Classic (Sports Classic)
Test Rides: The Vapid Dominator ASP (Muscle, 30% off), Karin Sultan RS Classic (Sports, 30% off), and Emperor Vectre (Sports)
Lucky Wheel Vehicle: The Pfister Growler (Sports)
50% off the LS Car Meet Membership and LS Car Meet Takeover
30% off Auto Shop Properties, all their Upgrades and Modifications, LS Tuners Racing Suits, and HSW Racing Suits
Vehicle Discounts: 30% off the Karin Calico GTF (Sports), Annis Euros (Sports), Vapid Dominator ASP (Muscle), Karin Sultan RS Classic (Sports), and Pegassi Torero (Sports Classic)
This Week’s Gun Van Discounts: 30% off the Railgun, plus 40% off the Assault SMG for GTA+ Members
GTA+ Members: A free Albany Cavalcade XL (SUV), free Clothing, 1.5X GTA$ and RP on Wildlife Photography Rewards, 2X Los Santos Car Meet Reputation, and more