Grand Theft Auto Online: Here's everything going down this week from free tees to Gunrunning Boosts
Need a reason to buckle up and go through some red lights in Grand Theft Auto Online? It’s all about the perks and updates going down on Rockstar Games’ golden goose this week ranging from double rewards from races and a new display room vehicle to getting to test drive some serious firepower.
It’s all in the update. Peep the details and safe gaming these next seven days, Attackers.
GTA Online players can earn double rewards when taking on an all-new set of Transform Races loaded with surprises hiding behind each checkpoint.
Plus, this week features the return of classic, fan-favorite, Adversary Modes Overtime Rumble, Tiny Racers, and Collection Time.

Full details include:
Double Rewards on a new Known Unknown, Unknown Unknown Transform Races
Returning Adversary Modes: Overtime Rumble, Tiny Racers, and Collection Time
Double GTA$ and Quadruple RP on Gerald Contact Missions
Double GTA$ and RP on Gunrunning Sell Missions and The Ammu-Nation Contract, Triple Rewards on Research
50% off Ballistic Equipment
30% Off Bunker Properties and their Upgrades & Modifications
GTA$100,000 bonus and free Dollar Daggers Hoodie for completing 3 Bunker Research Missions
Salvage Yard Robbery Targets: The Albany Brigham, Karin Hotring Everon, and Lampadati Tigon
This week at the Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom: The Ocelot XA-21, Pegassi Torero, Dinka Thrust, Declasse Tulip, and RUNE Cheburek
On Display at the Luxury Autos Showroom: The Vapid Dominator GT and Karin Vivanite
HSW Premium Test Ride: Karin S95
LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Place Top 4 in the LS Car Meet Series three days in a row to win the BF Club
Test Rides: The Pfister Comet S2, Bravado Greenwood and Grotti Cheetah Classic
Lucky Wheel Top Prize: The Enus Windsor Drop
Vehicle Discounts: 30% off the Grotti Cheetah Classic, Bravado Greenwood, and Pfister Comet S2, 40% off the Declasse Weaponized Tampa, Vom Feur Anti-Aircraft Trailer, BF Dune, and Pegassi Torero
GTA+: A free Progen Itali GTB, Double GTA$ and RP On Motorcycle Club Work, Challenges, and Clubhouse Contracts, boosted production speeds, and much more including access to a rotating assortment of classic Rockstar Games Titles, including Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare