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Recording Academy: Dubba-AA, Rap-Unzel and OG Parker geek out over 2023 invite

Recording Academy: Dubba-AA, Rap-Unzel and OG Parker geek out over 2023 invite

It’s a celebration for Dubba-AA, Rap-Unzel and OG Parker right about now. The trio have plenty to smile about after having the Recording Academy extend member invitations to close to 3,700 music professionals around the world and of course being targeted as the select few.

Check out the details and keep scrolling to see the trio react to the huge honor.

On June 21, the Recording Academy extended member invitations to close to 3,700 music professionals spanning cities and genres across the globe.

Members of the Recording Academy can vote for the Annual GRAMMY Awards (voting members only), become part of our 12 chapters across the country and get involved in the fight for music creators’ rights, among other perks. We’re proud to extend membership invitations to such a diverse group of artists such as Dubba-AA, Rap-Unzel, OG Parker, and more. In order to participate in the entire 66th GRAMMY Awards process, invitees will need to accept by July 14. We will be announcing and releasing the demographics of our new member class later this summer. 

Since extending membership invitations, we've seen invitees from the community posting their reactions, sharing what becoming a member of the Recording Academy means to them.

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