Rockstar Games: Grand Theft Auto Online's loaded this week with a free Declasse Impaler SZ, penthouse discounts and free paints
Keeping it 100? What I pay for my weekly single outing at a movie theater practically covers an entire year’s worth of GTA+ and my goodness if those perks don’t hit right each month. Just for the next few days the perks are loaded and if you’re about the Plus life, look forward to getting some pretty insanely dope fun things.
Whether it’s the new vehicle hook-up or getting deals on penthouse purchases, it’s the perfect time to clock in on GTA Online. Peep the details.
The Los Santos drag racing circuit heats up with the arrival of the new Declasse Impaler SZ this week, now available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos and on display at the Luxury Autos showroom.
Plus, GTA Online players will soon have a new opportunity to team up with the LSPD’s latest recruit and help him crack his first big case.

Highlights from this week include:
New Vehicle: The Declasse Impaler SZ, available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos and on display at the Luxury Autos showroom
Triple GTA$ and RP on the Diamond Adversary Series
Double GTA$ and RP on Casino Work and Casino Story Missions
A GTA$100,000 bonus for completing three Casino Work Missions this week
Salvage Yard Robbery Targets: The Bravado Buffalo EVX, Declasse Mamba, and Weeny Issi Rally
Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom Vehicles: The Vysser Neo, Enus Paragon R, Annis Hellion, Übermacht Zion Classic, and Vapid Peyote Gasser
Luxury Autos Showroom vehicles: The all-new Declasse Impaler SZ and the Fathom FR36
Hao’s Premium Test Ride: The Declasse Vigero ZX
LS Car Meet Prize Ride: Earn the Ocelot Pariah by placing Top 5 in the LS Car Meet Series three days in a row
LS Car Meet Test Rides: The Declasse Vigero, Vapid Bullet, and Invetero Coquette
Lucky Wheel Top Prize: The Übermacht Rebla GTS
30% off Master Penthouse Decorations at the Casino Store
Vehicle Discounts: 30% off the Enus Paragon R, Annis Hellion, Übermacht Zion Classic, and Vapid Peyote Gasser
Gun Van Discounts: 25% off the Heavy Rifle and 30% off the Advanced Rifle for GTA+ Members
GTA+ Members: A free Ocelot Jugular (Sports); two Chameleon Paints; the Heartbreakers Jacket, Heartbreakers Caps, Black Lunar New Year Shirt and Pants, and Red Lunar New Year Shirt and Pants; 2X GTA$ and RP on Casino Work Missions and Casino Story Missions; plus 40% off the Casino Penthouse