Call of Duty: The best shooter franchise is loaded with awesomeness from Warzone’s 5-year anniversary to big sneak peeks
Just keeping things 100? I honestly play Call of Duty annually - well, actually - daily but no matter the COD drop, I’m totally invested into it and loving the gaming goals. So it’s beyond epic to deliver news on the regular basis from everything like the Warzone five-year anniversary to the brand’s focus on Women’s Day.
Call of Duty: Weekend goals will center on Season 02 Reloaded
Just to be clear - in addition to working and grinding as always over the weekend, ample time will be dedicated to Call of Duty and the newly released Season 02 Reloaded. Holy smokes.
Call of Duty: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have arrived
Forget pizza and nunchucks - how about seeing the iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles suiting up for all-out war on Call of Duty? I’m here for it.
Call of Duty: The Black Ops 6 season 02 reloaded is packed with awesomeness
I can’t get enough of Call of Duty. Whenever the trolling gets too insane on my sports online titles - COD always gives me the reliable fun and endless hours of gaming goals. So geeking out over Black Ops 6 Season 02 Reloaded arriving in 24 hours? HYPED.
Call of Duty: Your ‘Mobile’ gaming goals are officially cemented
I won’t lie - I’m a console guy all day, everyday. But for those mobile heads around the globe, you can’t go wrong with Call of Duty: Mobile especially with the White Snake Draw fun brewing.
Call of Duty: Season 02 launch trailer promises big bangs
Keeping it 100? I really can’t stop gaming on Call of Duty lately. The intense fun and non-stop action? My goodness. How about geeking out over the much-needed Season 02 launch? Giddy up.
Call of Duty: The Squid Game update has me losing my mind in epic fashion
I’m not going to lie - I am geeking out over the return of ‘Squid Game’ to Netflix. But what’s even better? How about the brand making its way into Call of Duty? Oh yes.
Call of Duty: The Endowment pack celebrates 15 years of veteran salutes
Let’s just keep it 100 - Call of Duty is on fire right now. The newly released Black Ops 6 is must-play and my goodness if the Endowment doesn’t both salute veterans around the nation while also coming with loaded fun to commemorate 15 years of appreciating the troops.
Call of Duty: The 'Black Ops 6' numbers prove the franchise is still game-changing
As if you needed more reasons to believe Call of Duty’s Black Ops 6 is a massive hit? How about checking out the stats and numbers associated with the biggest first person drop of the year? Say less.
Black Ops 6: The newest 'Call of Duty' campaign story is pretty epic
One thing people cringe about when it comes to Call of Duty? How about the feeling of Activision just rushing out what feels like a DLC and packaging it up as a new title? Well, turns out the higher ups are paying more attention to the gamers and making sure you know their newest Black Ops 6 campaign has some real grit behind it.
Call of Duty: Here's your first jam-packed 'Black Ops 6 Multiplayer' trailer look
Sports and fantasy games are cool but there’s just something about the first-person shooter titles Call of Duty just gets right every time. So how about getting geeked out over the upcoming Black Ops 6 video game and its action-packed multi-player trailer? Holy smokes.
Call of Duty: The wait's over for a jam-packed Season 5 BlackCell drop
Keeping it 100? I went from being way too busy to play Call of Duty to losing my mind gaming in the evening with the online flexing. So with the wait finally over for Season 5? I’m geeking out and loving everything from what’s jam-packed into the BlackCell perks to what’s loaded into the Battle Pass.
Call of Duty League Championship: The non-stop gaming goals for all you COD Attackers starts now
Want to lose your mind to endless hours of Call of Duty League Championship fun? It’s all happening from now through this Sunday with non-stop bouts happening with some of the best gamers in the - er- game.
Call of Duty: Season 5 is loaded with fire content and ample WWE awesomeness
Want to combine your love for Call of Duty and WWE? Say less. It’s all jam-packed into the new season of COD gearing up to arrive next week.
Call of Duty: The 'Modern Warfare III' gaming goals have just turned into a 'Bit Party'
Keeping it 100? I’m not getting the same fix I used to have with Call of Duty. As much as I’ve put in work, work, work with Modern Warfare III, there’s just other titles demanding my attention. But could a new twist like the ‘Bit Party’ make things a little different?
Call of Duty: The 'Endowment Knight Recon' tracer pack just made Military Appreciation Month even sweeter
I’ve tried the competition and it’s clear - Call of Duty is still the top go-to first-person shooter. With logic out of the way, it’s a massive celebration this Military Appreciation Month with Call of Duty Endowment including big jobs for veterans and a celebratory Call of Duty Endowment Knight Recon: Tracer Pack. Oh yes.
Call of Duty: Here's a full-fledged 'Cheech & Chong' tracer pack experience
You feel the hype all around the site but my goodness, seeing is believing, right? Catching a gamer like ScopeShot balling out with the Cheech & Chong tracer pack in the newly launched season 3? Let’s get it!
Call of Duty: It's free-99 goals through the entire weekend with Season 3 here
Not down to drop full price bucks on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? Have a friend low-key budget-tight about buying the game to match your gaming goals? Look no further than the power of free-99 for the entire weekend.
Call of Duty: The 'Warzone Mobile' massive launch goes global next month
It’s felt like forever but we’re ‘this’ close to having Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile going worldwide for the masses to embrace those gaming goals from the comfort of your phone.
Call of Duty: We're just hours away from Season 2 kicking off
Low-key and high-key? I can’t wait for Call of Duty: Season 2 to load up. From the new loadouts to some jam-packed awesomeness including Walking Dead icons being playable? Oh yes.