Peter $un: Of course 'My Favorite Drug' is your must-see Tuesday clip
If you remember getting the chance to check out Peter $un last year around these parts, you definitely noticed how much I co-signed and - simply said - loved what the Virginia-bred, Los Angeles-based hip-hp artist brought to the culture. Witty rhymes. A signature sound. Insane production courtesy of his Phone Calls Gimme Anxiety album. So it’s only right his new ‘My Favorite Drug’ music video demands your attention.
Peter $un's Metamorphosis (Butterfly) music video will brighten your day
It’s no secret - Peter $un has instantly become one of my new favorite rappers. Fresh from dropping his new Phone Calls Gimme Anxiety album, it’s only right he gets the 24-hour treatment with his must-see ‘Metamorphosis (Butterfly)’ music video.
Peter $un's Phone Calls Gimme Anxiety is finally out
The wait is finally over and I am personally dumb excited about Peter $un’s new Phone Calls Gimme Anxiety album dropping today. It’s easily the best album of 2022 and not even close to being enough audio gems for one listen.
Peter $un's Pay Me No Mind shines bright on a Friday
The weekend goals are ‘this’ close to being activated so why not rely on Peter $un to help guide the way with his flashy and fun ‘Pay Me No Mind’ music video?