Nick Cannon coming to Kyrie Irving defense's is heartfelt
Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Nick Cannon coming to Kyrie Irving defense's is heartfelt

Isn’t it starting to feel like too many people have too many opinions at this point? For the record - I take a lot of pride in showing the culture and of course covering it here on Attack The Culture - allowing people to have their own thoughts from what’s curated here. But the level of outbursts and opinions happening in society feels overwhelming to say the least - but in this moment, having Nick Cannon speak up for Kyrie Irving? Priceless.

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Kyrie Irving - vaccination debate aside - is a mind-blowing superstar
Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Kyrie Irving - vaccination debate aside - is a mind-blowing superstar

Duh? But seriously, it’s easy to forget why certain superstars in all leagues and sports really have a talent you can’t find elsewhere. What Kyrie Irving brings to the game - notably in a New Jersey Brooklyn Nets jersey is simply stunning. So stunning you realize why the Nets really had no plans on trading him instead of James Harden at the trade deadline.

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