Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay gets arrested on Instagram Live and Diddy's son gets busted
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Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay gets arrested on Instagram Live and Diddy's son gets busted

If you want to get into contact with me, the best way to do it is on Instagram. If you just want to say what up, if you want to tell me you love my videos, you can tell me that you hate my videos but the best way to do that is on Instagram. Peace y’all, Jonny Fastlane here. So, Lil Tjay gets arrested - again - and Diddy’s son Justin Combs gets arrested for DUI. Let’s talk hip-hop!

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Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay's shooter arrested
Videos Jonny Fastlane Videos Jonny Fastlane

Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay's shooter arrested

If you want to get into contact with me, the best way to do it is on Instagram. If you just want to say what up, if you want to tell me you love my videos, you can tell me that you hate my videos but the best way to do that is on Instagram. Peace y’all, Jonny Fastlane here. So Lil Tjay’s shooter has been arrested. Let's talk hip-hop.

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Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay shot twice in New Jersey
Videos Jonny Fastlane Videos Jonny Fastlane

Jonny Fastlane report: Lil Tjay shot twice in New Jersey

If you want to get into contact with me, the best way to do it is on Instagram. If you just want to say what up, if you want to tell me you love my videos, you can tell me that you hate my videos but the best way to do that is on Instagram. Peace y’all, Jonny Fastlane here. So Lil Tjay has been shot in New Jersey. Let's talk hip-hop.

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Lil Tjay has Budapest, Hungary fans going crazy
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Lil Tjay has Budapest, Hungary fans going crazy

It’s safe to say Lil Tjay has some serious appeal outside of just the New York City area - or even the United States. The rap star goes to his Instagram Story with footage of himself turning up amongst a bunch of screaming fans.

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