Jonny Fastlane report: Sauce Walka gets arrested in Miami and The Weeknd trolls Rolling Stone
Videos Jonny Fastlane Videos Jonny Fastlane

Jonny Fastlane report: Sauce Walka gets arrested in Miami and The Weeknd trolls Rolling Stone

If you want to get into contact with me, the best place to do it is on Instagram. If you want to say what up, if you want to tell me you love my videos, you can tell me that you hate my videos but the best place to do that is on Instagram. Peace y’all, Jonny Fastlane here. So, Sauce Walka gets arrested in Miami plus The Weeknd trolls Rolling Stone and Rolling Stone responds with racism. Let’s talk hip-hop!

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Sauce Walka x FishXGrits completely body their 'Didn't I'
Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Sauce Walka x FishXGrits completely body their 'Didn't I'

There’s no doubt the South has a strong grip on the soulful tunes. Sauce Walka and FishxGrits come through with their hard-hitting ‘Didn’t I’ visuals. The song alone hits different but adding the cinematic element?

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