Triple H teases the future of what's coming for WWE premium live events
Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Triple H teases the future of what's coming for WWE premium live events

Low-key? Last night’s WWE ‘Survivor Series: WarGames’ didn’t hit hard - at all. Blame it on me still freaking out over how epic AEW’s ‘Full Gear’ was last Saturday but with just a couple big matches - neither being the 5-woman and 5-men face-offs - it seemed like there was a lot of force trying to build excitement for the premium bout.

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Here's every crazy moment from last night's WWE Monday Night Raw
Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Here's every crazy moment from last night's WWE Monday Night Raw

At this point, you should already know wrestling has a place at Attack The Culture. It kind of goes hand in hand with the attack part of the name but symbolism and metaphors aside, the fun factor WWE and AEW have delivered as of late is reason enough to embrace some hilarious acting and intense face-offs - even if it’s truly all stage at the end of the day.

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Here's the Top 10 NXT 2.0 moments from last night's
Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne Videos Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Here's the Top 10 NXT 2.0 moments from last night's

Blame Ryan Proctor or the Brooklyn Nets getting eliminated in the NBA playoffs opening round, but wrestling is getting way more fun. What once felt like it only was about Monday Night Raw and Wednesday night’s All Elite Wrestling gradually turned into checking into Friday night’s SmackDown and All Elite Wrestling’s Rampage. But now? NXT 2.0 on Tuesday nights is must-see.

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