All tagged Movies

Fandango: Here's the most anticipated top lists of must-see fall and horror movies

As we officially bid farewell to the summer, it’s clear the moviegoing it’s slowing down anytime soon. Actually, there’s ample flicks heading to the big screen from awesomely gruesome horror movies to major franchises making big returns - so it’s only right Fandango comes through with a Top 10 and Top 5 list of characters and big screen productions people are geeking out over.

Here's 9 reasons Barbarian is your must-see Date Night movie of the year

The verdict is officially out - Barbarian is the best horror movie I have seen in all of 2022. While I have made similar statements and cannot believe I found something even more breathtaking than what I experienced when seeing A24’s X for the first time earlier this year, Zach Cregger’s absolutely must-see film is the best production I have witnessed in the genre this entire year and quite possibly in years.

This is my public plea to review tech-themed 'Guidance' ASAP

At this point, you should have the confidence in knowing when it comes to movies? I deliver like LeBron James - well, you know, during those championship-run seasons, of course. So when there’s a new movie coming together and gearing to drop in the form of this awesome-looking Guidance? Please believe I am going to make a public plea to review and most likely secure talent for an interview - right?