Need For Speed Unbound: The 'Volume 5' wait is nearly over with new cars, fits and more on deck
The weather is getting chillier - as if you needed a reason to stay indoors and game on Need For Speed Unbound, right? Say less. But how about a much-needed Volume 5 slated to arrive in less than 48 hours. Oh yes.
Need For Speed Unbound: The Volume 3 update has officially arrived
With Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day, too) now a thing of the past, it’s time to really get into letting your money stack up avoiding the late night outings and present-buying with ample hours of Need For Speed Unbound gaming goals activated. What’s better than campaign and multi-player mode? How about embracing everything Volume 3 has to offer?
Need For Speed: The 'Unbound' Volume 2 update is officially on deck
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? Well, whether you can or can’t isn’t important - what is though? How about the fact Need For Speed Unbound Volume 2 arriving Tuesday, March 21? It’s all about the gang-gang fun in one of the best racing games on the market with new ways to compare and compete in Lakeshore Online.
The new 'Need For Speed Unbound' is beyond must-play it's a must-own
It’s rare for me to take the time to stop my regular routine to spare nearly three hours for gaming goals. In all fairness, trying out the new Need For Speed Unbound is more for review purposes but what seemed like it would be a five-minute session easily turned into multi-hours of gaming on the new title. It’s must-own. Forget just playing it.