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Utiva Health: Summer is officially here and the anti-UTI goals have activated

It’s no coincidence today is both Woman Crush Wednesday and the start of summer. Whether it’s all-day brunch outings with your crew or showing off the bikini goals, it’s no secret there’s an underlying aim of staying UTI-free for the next 90 days. Fortunately? Utiva Health has you covered - literally.

It’s no coincidence today is both Woman Crush Wednesday and the start of summer. Whether it’s all-day brunch outings with your crew or showing off the bikini goals, it’s no secret there’s an underlying aim of staying UTI-free for the next 90 days. Fortunately? Utiva Health has you covered - literally.

Utiva Health is here to prevent UTI setbacks all summer long

With up to 60 percent of women experiencing a urinary track infection during the hottest season of the year, it’s only right to check out three top ways to stay ahead of the curve and prepared for any outing - but before getting into the product options, how about checking out the most effective ways to prevent UTIs - of course prepared by the Utiva Health crew and Medically reviewed by Board Certified Urologist Yana Barbalat.

1. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and flush that bacteria out of your body.

2. Change into something dry after swimming and try not to lounge in a wet
bathing suit for too long

3. Incorporate UTI prevention supplements, like Utiva’s [UTI Wellness
Kit], which includes UTI Test Strips, UTI Wipes and Cranberry PACs that has 36 mg
of PACs in every dose, which is clinically proven to stop bacteria from
sticking to your urinary tract.

4. Always wipe front to back after pooping or after sexual activity to
keep bacteria from finding its way into your urethra.

5. Never hold in your pee for long periods of time.

6. Pee before and after sex to avoid bacteria spread.

7. Avoid peeing into pools. Pools that are not well cared for or have low chlorine levels may harbor bacteria that can get into the urinary tract.

Now - about that third option? Having had a test kit sent my way and distributed out to the ladies of Attack The Culture, it’s worth noting the benefits:

1. Utiva Cranberry PACs

2. UTI Test Strips

3. UTI Wipes

All in all? Safe travels and summer goals, ladies!

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