Call of Duty: Vanguard is your Thanksgiving break must-play
Ryan Proctor Ryan Proctor

Call of Duty: Vanguard is your Thanksgiving break must-play

Okay, so hear me out. I know you all already probably prestiged like 4x already and that is cool. I have been out of the Call of Duty game for a while now. The Warzone was fine for a minute until I hit a player with way too many headshots for him not to go down, but instead they hit me with one and I go down. Yeah, I just calmly (not at all) put PlayStation 5 controller down and turned the game off. Retired THE SAME DAY!

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Here's every last thing you need to know about GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition
News Cyrus Kyle Langhorne News Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

Here's every last thing you need to know about GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

It’s real. It’s real. It’s ridiculously real and amazing. First off - huge salute to the powers at Rockstar Games on coming through with the must-play game of 2021 - it’s deeper than Call of Duty: Vanguard and Battlefield 2042 - from the nostalgic vibes to getting enhanced everything with Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition.

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