Talk To Me: Directors Danny and Michael Philippou talk A24, crying uncontrollably and not slowing down anytime soon

Let’s keep it 100? A24 just knows how to get it right and by the amount of happiness both directors Danny and Michael Philippou poured out of their eyes after learning the award-winning movie studio bought their must-see Talk To Me film? It’s safe to say they have plenty over 10 million reasons to smile extra big with their debut feature film doing big numbers and making history at the box office.

To be completely honest, I really want to deliver a few paragraphs of hype and realness for these two because they’re unlike anyone you’ll ever talk to - their energy level, their humor, their uniqueness - their signature RackaRacka video explosion edits - it’s just all types of awesomeness which leads me to geeking out over having just under 10 minutes to get a gazillion questions in surrounding their Talk To Me feature film immediately putting them in the cinematic history books with its summer release.

This is jokey but kind of serious at the same time. There were three massive crying moments [in your RackaRacka YouTube video ‘We Made A Horror Film’]. There was the moment you found out, ‘Oh my God. A24? What the eff! They bought the movie!,’ at Sundance. There was the big family reveal - even dad let loose some super dad tears. And then [Talk To Me star] Sophie’s reaction, I was shocked - she got down in the kitchen and you were like, ‘You’re going to be a fucking star, Sophie!’ Out of those three moments, crying-filled moments - how do you rank them?

Danny: The longest one was definitely with Sophie and realizing we’re so proud to be able to help present her to the world. She’s such a beautiful person and talented performer, that, to be able to have that many people look at her, and love her performance, so many people have reached out. It means so much to us. We were crying with Sophie for all of Sundance pretty much.

Michael: With all of the cast, it was like a dream come true.

Danny: There were three [big crying moments] in the video but at Sundance, we would all just start crying.

Michael: I think it was the altitude, no sleep.

Danny: Jordan Peele texted me! I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ I started getting emotional and then passed the phone over to Sophie and Sophie was like, ‘Oh my God!’ We all just started crying again.

It’s such an Australian vibe and there’s so much pride with this film and speaking of Sophie, I see like there could be that ripple effect. Sort of like what we’ve seen with Jenna Ortega. She does the X movie by A24, blows up, and she gets the Netflix series and everybody follows her - her IG goes crazy. She’s an iconic person and like the new Selena Gomez. I feel like Sophie, especially with those signature eyes, how she killed it - this is going to skyrocket [her career].

Danny: We hope so. We want nothing but the best for Sophie.

Michael: It’s like everyday on set. Every shot. Looking at it. There was never any bad takes of Sophie. Anyone who works with Sophie will see why we chose her. We lost a million dollars out of the budget for casting Sophie because she wasn’t a big name. She is, you guys just don’t know it yet.

She has so many subtleties of every human emotion. So much empathy. So authentic. She’s like the greatest. Our next movie, I’m kind of nervous. If we don't have Sophie? Whoever has the lead is going to have big boots to fill.

Just talking about A24 - that reaction was so authentic [to partnering with them]. You could have went so many other ways but what is - A24, that stamp, especially with this being your debut film, how much pride is attached to having A24 with that?

Michael: We feel underserving.

Danny: We feel like we’re terrible directors. [laughs]

Michael: No, we were at this party with all the A24 people and there’s all these prestigious directors and stuff and we’re like, ‘We shouldn’t be here.’ We feel like imposters. We’re so happy. I feel bad for them. Every time I go to their office, I raid their office and their merch.

A24 is just something we’ve always looked up to. It was jokes we always made in the edit. Like, ‘That’s not very A24 of you to lean over in that shot.’ We love them so much. To have them approach us at Sundance. It was the most surreal feeling ever.

Kick back and check out the full chit-chat below and stay tuned for plenty more exclusives brewing for your pleasure!

Cyrus Kyle Langhorne

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