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The Tory Lanez appeal petition is growing bigger and bigger with nearly 50k signatures

The Tory Lanez appeal petition is growing bigger and bigger with nearly 50k signatures

Just when you thought it might low-key be over for Tory Lanez? Turns out the true Umbrellas won’t settle for a minute and are pushing forward on his inevitable pursuit to have an appeal in his Megan Thee Stallion shooting case by putting together a massive petition campaign.

Tory Lanez’s appeal petition is legit growing

What started off as just a few hundred signatures has grown by the thousands over the past few days. The petition has ignited nearly 50,000 signatures at the time of this writing. Holy. Smokes.

Tory Lanez was found Guilty of all charges and it is a true miscarriage of justice! The state did not prove that Lanez undoubtedly committed any crime. Reasonable doubt loomed over a 10 day trial as the prosecution was unable to show us that there were not alternative explanations of the events. A circus of speculation, insufficient evidence, inconsistencies, and drunken memories left us without much moral certainty of any truth. Meanwhile, the jury selection itself may have put him in a terrible position to begin with. If the prosecution believed their victim's account, why was Tory not charged with attempted murder and kidnapping? Instead gave lesser charges that they were still unable to prove without doubt. He now faces almost 30 years in prison and deportation!!! EJ King is the only witness who gave a clear and concise testimony. We literally witnessed every other testimony filled with inconsistenties and contradictions. Including a plausible suspect request full immunity and plead the fifth to not incriminate herself. Kelsey also committed perjury.

Many said she was paid off; how is this reasonable if she said things  damaging to Tory Lanez case? The lead investigator did a shotty job of fully interviewing the one neutral witness, and ignored evidence that it could have been another person.They didn't even test the other potential suspect's for DNA on the gun. Tory's DNA was not found on the gun; a female's was. Meg and Kelsey lied about violently fighting that night. Meg lied about being intimate, arguing in the car, being extremely drunk and about why she was asked to leave the party. There is a witness that says, "THE GIRL shot first" and he was asked repeatedly in different ways and maintained the same answer. Plus Megan, the victim, lied on Gayle King, on her IG lives and in interviews. She also went from stating, she didn't know who did it and that her back was turned, to "You shot me". Her story then progressed to that she saw him do it when she turned around. Later, that she turned her neck, seeing it from the side. Next, Kelsey admitted that her September, 2022 testimony was fabricated and that her text message was sent out of panic. Panic of what? What did she do?

What is she asking immunity for, or from? Why did she lie and say "Meg and I might have just bumped each other that night?" Sadly, the judge allowed a lot of leniency towards the prosecution. For instance, playing Kelsey's  audio even though she said she was lying at the time due to pressure from the state. The judge also stopped the Defense from questioning the detective about his DV past, stating it isn't relevant. Yet, would let the state question Tory's entire background outside of the case, to paint a 'scary black man' image if he got on stand. Megan Pete has been allowed from day 1 to promote a narrative without Tory able to speak once. She campaigned, building a career gaining soldiers including celebrity and political supporters. She made millions and became Hip-Hop's "it girl." The jury was not able to even hear from the driver who was a witness for Tory Lanez. Why? The unprepared prosecution said they needed a week, knowing that request would prevent another witness from telling a different side from Meg. Not to mention, two jurors got replaced mid-way. After 8 days, most of us thought this would end in a mistrial at the most.

What is interesting is that: as of yet, no charges are being brought against Meg and Kelsey for committing perjury on the stand. The state got handed a case filled with holes and won because of an irresponsible jury, which voted to send a man away. The law says if there is any resonable doubt, then it is the jury's job to declare one innocent, yet that's not what happened. The justice system failed him!! This means they failed his son, his parents and people who want to believe in the justice system. This is not about if you like Megan, nor about how you feel about what happened that night. It is only about the evidence that was presented. Did they prove guilty without reasonable doubt? Logic and unbiased opinion says this verdict was a miscarriage of justice. Tory Lanez father says this case is just about wins and loses for a careless corrupted DA's office. Many say Tory Lanez became the DA's sacrificial lamb and a perfectly presented press release came the same day from its office.

This case is also about branding, marketing, label heads and a music industry that pushes narratives based on who they have personally invested millions into. Could Jay-Z or RocNation be involved?? The justice I want for Megan is for the full truth to come out, rather than the scrambled truth we are left with. Who really hurt Meg? Was this case taken because of a political pressure to fake protect black women? African-Americans went along with hashtags that didn't protect anyone & instead caused divison between black women and black men. A trick that we so easily fall for. This petition is not to tear down nor chatise Megan Thee Stallion, but it is about asking our justice system to do the right thing. An the injustice for one of us is an injustice for us all. Simply, the case against Tory Lanez deserves a more thorough investigation. Appeal his case and grant him a fair trial. Help me get the California justice system to do the right thing!!!! Let's protect our community from injustice. 

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